Head Boys Golf Coach
V/JV Assistant Boys Coach; Head C-Squad
Assistant Boys Golf Coach
Bo Bondy |
Mitch Poncelet |
Peter Schuler |
Justin Sutton |
Ryker Hansen |
Ashton Schuder |
Kaine Severson |
Owyn Tomminello |
Ricky Wengert |
Brennan Weckwerth |
Boston Collins |
Chay Cunningham |
Vance Hansen |
2023 Boy's Golf
If you could not make the PAC meetring, or just need to refer.
As a building initiative Century is starting to address poor attendance. Any unexcused absence or late arrivals to class will cause students to miss the next contest. Late arrivals are up to 25 minutes late for class.
Students with attendance issues must work with their classroom teacher and the attendance office to clear up the mistake.
Students should NOT have their parent/guardian/coach call the attendance office to clear-up poor attendance. This issue is between the student and the classroom teacher. If the teacher agrees to correct the error, he/she will notify the attendance office.
IF a student is going to be absent due to illness, doctor, dentist or funeral the parent/guardian must pre-excuse their student with a call to the attendance office to leave a message with the reason for the absence.
We only have 6 Varsity spots. Just because you were on Varsity or JV last year, does not automatically mean you will stay there (regardless of grade level). Varsity, JV and C-Squad will be formed leading up to our first meet. Placement on these teams throughout the season is “fluid” and can change as performance changes.
Varsity will carry 6 players and JV will carry 6 players.
We will carry 14-16 players (4-6 C-Squad), in total.
Players in grades 8-12 are allowed to tryout.
SENIORS: Non-Varsity seniors will not travel out of town for meets and will likely be cut, unless they have a chance to play at the VARSITY level (top 6)
Being coachable, accepting help and feedback for the betterment of the team is an important character trait for golf.
AGAIN: Your team placement may change week-to-week, meet-to-meet.