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Football, Boys Soccer,
Boys Cross Country
Girls Volleyball, Girls Soccer,
Girls Cross Country
Girls Tennis, Girls Swim/Dive
Performance Dance
Co-Ed Adapted Soccer

Girls Ice Hockey, Competitive Dance
Boys Ice Hockey, Girls Basketball,
Girls Gymnastics, Alpine Ski
Boys Basketball, Wrestling,
Boys Swim/Dive
Co-Ed Adapted Floor Hockey

Girls Track & Field, Boys Track & Field,
Girls Fastpitch Softball, Baseball,
Boys Golf, Girls Golf
Boys Tennis
Boys Lacrosse, Girls Lacrosse
Co-Ed Adapted Softball

Rochester Century High School Athletic/Activities "Home of the Panthers"

2525 Viola Road NE, Rochester, MN 55906

Century Purpose Statement:
Century High School is a powerful community of students, coaches, and advisors.  As Panthers, we are motivated to be servant leaders to others and strive for excellence in all we do.  We lead by example on and off the playing surface in pursuit of success.  Respect and passion elevate us to greatness.

Century Fight Song!

HAIL! To our Century High School!
FIGHT! For the Blue and Silver!
To Panther pride we're loyal and true!
HAIL! to our Panther spirit!
FIGHT! For the strong and mighty!
To Century fight on to victory!

Athletics and Activities Department

Mr. David Perkins

Athletic/Activities Director

Phone: 507-328-5140 or

Mrs. DeeAnn Fritz

Athletic/Activities Office Manager

Phone: 507-328-5140 or


Check out the new items!

FANS - If you want to watch a Panther event from the convenience of your own home on your smart tv, tablet or computer -

- Click the Hudl link
- Search for Rochester Century High School
- Click Schedule

CLICK HERE for the streaming link

Logan Strand

Strength and Conditioning Coach

Phone: Email -

Rachel Lewis

Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine Athletic Trainer



Rochester Public Schools will be moving to using the Go Fan app for purchasing all activities and athletic events passes. Prices are shown below. All schools will also be moving to being cashless at all events as well. You may use a credit/debit card, Apple or Google Pay for purchasing your tickets. 

CLICK the GO FAN logo for tickets!

Ticket Prices for Rochester Public Schools

Individual Event Ticket Prices

Adults                    $8.00   (Section Events/Big Nine Invites $10.00)

Students (K-12)      $6.00   (Section Events/Big Nine Invites $8.00)

Athletic Event Passes For All Rochester Public Schools                   

(10) Punch Adult                  $64.00 (Senior Citizen $48.00) 

Student All Year Pass           $45.00 (K-12)

  •  All athletic pass good at home events only. No section games.                                          

*If you have a question about your specific sport, please check your team website (gray tab at top of page labeled Athletic Teams) for information and to contact the coach for questions about practice/tryouts and other pertinent information for the season.  The website will probably have the answer to your questions.


A copy of your physical needs to be on file in the Athletic/Activities Office PRIOR to the registration date listed or the system will not let you register.  You can locate your physical date in Skyward Family Access
(under the tab on the left - Report Card & Portfolio)

IF your physical expires between March 10th and June 14th, an updated copy needs to be submitted to the Athletic/Activities Office NO LATER THAN FEB 20 in order for you to register online.

DO NOT WAIT to schedule your physical. A copy of your physical NEEDS to be in our office NO LATER than Thursday, Feb 20 in order to register online AND participate.  If you cannot get in with your regular doctor, see options below!

Online Registration will be February 17 - February 24 - LINK COMING SOON!

email your updated physical to DeeAnn Fritz in the Athletic/Activities Office at
(AS a PDF file OR WORD document (attachment) NOT in the body of the email.


Non-Continuation Schools (email your physical to Century HS Activities Office) registration and participation determination will be done sometime after February 24th no set date on time of determination. We will need the student's name, grade, school attending, home address, parent email, parent cell number in order to assign them their student ID for registering online.

RCLS = Rochester Central Lutheran School (boys tennis=Mayo, girls lacrosse=Century - this was determined last year and will be the case again this Spring)
RMS = Rochester Montessori School 
RLS = Resurrection Lutheran School 
RAS = Rochester Arts and Sciences Academy

7th and 8th graders may be eliminated in some sports, depending on the number of students that register and tryout

You NEED to take the MSHSL physical form with you.  Physical form can be found BELOW.

Directions for finding physical date in Skyward
Sign in to your skyward family access and look under the "Report Card & Portfolio"This will be listed with all of the testing results and report cards.

You will need to have a copy of your physical (page 1) in the Athletic/Activities Office BEFORE you can register online.  The system will not let you register without this.

Once you get your physical done, please email page 1 to DeeAnn Fritz at
(AS a PDF file OR WORD document (attachment) NOT in the body of the email.

Your updated physical needs to be on file in the Athletic/Activities Office at your high school BEFORE you can register online.  Physicals need to be current for the ENTIRE Season in order to participate.

The Physical form to take to the doctor is listed here below!


Are you looking to get involved in a club or activity?

Take a look at what is offered at Century High School -
click here for the Club/Activity list

Registration Link-

Dismissal Time

  • Players are dismissed 15 minutes prior to the bus departure time.
  • All players need to have their equipment at school ready to leave for the event. 
  • They will not be excused to run home and get their gear.
  • Middle School Students must be dismissed with a parent note at the Middle School Attendance Office.
  • Students serving a penalty for a violation should not be dismissed from school to attend away events.

Activity Scheduler - User Guide for Parents
We use the rSchoolTodayActivity Scheduler as our School Calendar (, as it provides significant advantages to our school and community. Because it is web-based, we can provide you instant access to the most up-to-date information at all times. You can push schedules to your phone, tablet, or computer and they will automatically update with any changes. You can also sign up for instant notifications and reminders, via email or text message (notify me).  Click on the link below for a visual.  Click on the Big9 logo on the left hand side of the main website page, choose Rochester Century from the School Activity Calendar's tab.

2023 Winter - State Entrants and Place Finishers

Congrats to the following:

Boys Alpine Ski - Soren Krych
Boys Wrestling (285 lbs) - Byron Callies
Boys Diving - Silas Wagstaff

Boys Swim - Jackson Homme, Albert Hu, Owen Kelly, Jensen Richard, Gavin Potter, Andrew Linden, Nathan Zhang, Nathan Kram 

All State 200 free relay (8th place) - Nate Kram, Owen Kelly, Albert Hu and Jack Homme
All State 100 Backstroke (8th place) - Jensen Richard

Spring Sports Awards 2021

Team Academic Awards
Boys Track and Field - Academic All State
Boys Baseball - Class AAAA Academic All State

Individual Awards
Josh Christenson (12th) State Entrant - Boys Tennis - Individuals Section Champion and State Entrant
Henry Kruse (11th)/Alec Sargent (12th) - Boys Tennis - Doubles Section Runner-up and State Entrant
Shelby Leitz (12th) - Girls Golf - Individual State Entrant
Nathan Eberhart (12th) - Baseball - Academic All State 
Jaecan Fratzke (12th) - Baseball - Academic All State
Isiah Huber (12th) - Boys Track - State Entrant 100 meter dash (10th Place Finish)
Nathan Nelson - Boys Track - State Entrant Pole Vault (3rd Place Finish)
4 x 100 Relay - Girls Track 
Favor Omoijuanfo(10th), Addison Clarey (11th), Sarrah Lindner (11th), Madison Habberstad (10th) (2nd Place Finish)
4 x 800 Relay - Boys Track 
Tyler White(11th), Seth Hill(12th), Ryan Horton(12th), Silas Green(12th) (4th Place Finish)
4 x 800 Relay - Girls Track 
Gracie Shannon(12th), Sophia Trabuco(8th), Kennedy Speer(11th), Penelopea Gordon(11th) (7th Place Finish) 
Penelopea Gordon(11th) - Girls Track State Entrant 800 meter run (9th Place Finish)
Madison Habberstad(10th)- Girls Track State Entrant Long Jump (7th Place Finish)

Fall Sports Awards 2021

Team Awards:
Boys Soccer - Big Nine Team Champions
Girls Swim/Dive - Big Nine Champions
Girls Swim/Dive - True Team Section Champions

Individual Awards:
Paige Sargent - Big Nine Girls Tennis - #1 Singles Champion
Julia Baber - Big Nine Girls Tennis - #2 Singles Champion, Academic All State - Girls Tennis
Zoey Chen - Academic All State - Girls Tennis
Jenny Yan - Academic All State - Girls Tennis
Addison Clarey - All State - Girls Soccer
Maximilian Comfere - All State - Boys Soccer
Rivaldo Pena - All State - Boys Soccer 
Julia Baber and Paige Sargent - Girls Tennis - #1 Double Section Champions
Paige Decker - All State - Girls Volleyball

State Place Finishers:
Julia Baber and Paige Sargent - Girls Tennis - #1 Doubles - State Runner-ups (All State)