We use Remind as a communication tool for all Century Girls' Swimming and Diving information. Your contact information will not be shared with anyone, except for the Century Swimming & Diving head coaches (Megan & Dale). Weekly communication about practices and meets are sent out on Sunday mornings about the upcoming week.
Remind changed their policies last year, and they now only allow 150 people per group. Our swimming and diving roster with athlete and parent names exceeds 150 people. We have split into two groups, parents and athletes, but you must subscribe to a group in order to receive communication. I will communicate everything to both groups, so please only sign up for the group applicable to you.
Parents of swimmers and divers - please use this link to sign up for communication from Coach Megan and Dale. If you have trouble joining the class use the class code f23bde.
Athletes - please use this link to sign up for communication from Coach Megan and Dale. If you have trouble joining the class, use the class code gdhdgd.
Divers - this is communication specific to you. Please also join the Athletes group so you get team communication in addition to diving communication.