University of MN
Pat Sveum
University of North Dakota
Steve Kalwasinski
University of Northern IA
Derek Malone
U of Southern Illinois
Chad Zastrow
Colorado School of Mines
Brian Kerr
MN St. Mankato
Kyle Riggott
Bryce Duncan
Chad Zastrow
Southwest MN State
Jon Dicke
Luke Fisher
Graham Ketterling
Arath Marteniz
Thomas Mergen
Alex Ney
U MN Duluth
Isaac Odim
Mn St. Winona
Derek Malone
Jose Benjamin
Miguel Benjamin
Augustana University
Joe Clark
Mitch Gade
Jack Fisher
Isaiah Huber
University of Sioux Falls
Mark Leonard
Donovan (D.J.) Johnson
U of MN Duluth
Isaac Odim
UW EauClaire
Ryan Moertel
Brian Pautz
Tommy Tankhamvang
Wyatt Olson
Colin Smith
Upper Iowa
Matt Kallis
Isiah Tamte
Luther College
Zach Olson
Luke Wilson
St Olaf
Leon Clark
Paul Schwingler
St Thomas
Kyle Menkoski
Central Lakes Community College
Chris Simmilhomme
Matt Kalis
Iowa Western Community College
Daryl Martin
Rochester Community College