Panther Orchestra Lettering Guidelines

Starting 2019/20 we will phase back in a lettering process for Panther Orchestra.   Sophomores and above are eligible for letters.  Point requirements are as follows:

Sophomores (as of 2019/20)  500 points (to be completed by end of Senior year at the latest)

Juniors (as of 2019/20)  330 points (to be completed by end of Senior year at the latest)  points may be awarded retroactively with evidence of participation (certificate, a program with your name listed, parent note or other at the determination of director)

Seniors (as of 2019/20)  165 points to be completed this year, points may be awarded retroactively with evidence of participation (certificate, a program with your name listed, parent note or other at the determination of director)

You will be responsible for tracking your own letter points using the "CHS Orchestra Point Sheet".  A class binder will be available for you to store your sheet in.